Protect Parent/Child Relationships:
It passed the House on May 1st and is now on the Senate side.
Update May 1: There were many impassioned, articulate, and deep-diving speeches in opposition to HB 2002B given on the House floor. One assessment is that most of the Democrats’ in support of the bill spoke to making sure abortion is accessible due to the overturn of Roe v Wade and that trans people matter and need access to what could be life-saving surgeries. But the Republicans by and large did not disagree with that.
Oregon already has very generous abortion laws, allowing abortions right up to the time of birth and allowing minors 15 and over access to them without parental consent. The spoken concerns about HB2002B (as well as ours) are about the impacts of minors of any age receiving abortions without parental knowledge or input; the cost burdens of the many requirements put on schools, health care centers, and insurance companies; and the impact of minors (who can’t even get tattoos) being able to get other types of very permanent treatments.
Update May 3: Our Senate Republicans are fighting as hard as they can for all Oregonians to have laws that are plainly written and easy to understand.
Do you understand the bills that the legislature has been trying to pass? Did you know that BY LAW (Senate Rules, Oregon statute, and the Oregon Constitution), bills should be written in a way that we can actually understand them?
Scroll to Section 3 of this page for some calls to action.